Our Services
Bellingham Foodscapes offers many services to help you along in your growing journey. If you don't see what you're looking for below, please contact me and I'll let you know if it is something we can do, or at least try and point you in the right direction to someone who can.
Eager to do the work yourself but have a professional design to work with to make sure you are set up for success? Contact us for a consultation and receive your very own custom design.
Want plants locally adapted to survive in our climate? Look no further than our numerous beautiful native plants. Plant on their own or intersperse with ornamental landscaping to create a habitat for our beneficial insects.
Live in the Lake Whatcom Watershed? Want to landscape with native plants and get it subsidized? Bellingham Foodscapes is HIP-approved and ready to get you set up with a custom landscape design full of beautiful native plants. Learn more about the Homeowner Incentive Program here.
Have questions about what to plant where? We can help with underperforming plants, pest control, indoor plant care, etc. Contact us or book online now.
Could you use a hand keeping your garden healthy & thriving? Whether it's pruning, weeding, watering, or harvesting, we lighten your load so you can focus more on the consumption of the beyond-organic, fresh fruit & veggies.
Like the idea of having mason bees to pollinate your fruits & veggies but don't want to deal with the hassle? We will come out in the fall to harvest the cocoons from your mason bee house, wash & store them refrigerated over the winter, and then come back and put the cocoons out in the spring so they can get to work for you!
If you plant the flowers, they will come. Attract our native mason bees along with honeybees and bumblebees to pollinate your fruits & veggies. The best way to prevent a pest outbreak is to have beneficial insects on standby with pollinator-friendly plants.
Want to suppress weeds and retain moisture? A top-dressing of mulch (wood chips, leaves, or compost) could be the solution.
At BFS, we believe in spraying only as an absolute last resort, because even organic-certified garden products can also harm our beneficial insects. We'll identify your pest problem and find you the most ecologically-sound solution.
Who doesn't love fresh fruit from their yard? Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and an abundance of fruiting trees and vines grow well in our climate. We will establish the plants to put you on the path of years of bountiful harvests.
Tired of watering during our dry PNW summers and want to put your watering schedule on autopilot with a timer and drip line? Spend less time untangling a hose and more time enjoying the warm weather.
Have aspirations of a garden but are not sure where to start? We can handle the whole process of helping you decide where would be the best location to fully establishing the bed all the way to building a fully customized garden.
We specialize in fruit tree and blueberry pruning that can help maximize yield while also making sure the tree is looking its best and that the fruit is easy to access.
If you have a specific request and would like a quote, submit one below!