The Orchard Mason Bee
Brian L. Griffin’s The Orchard Mason Bee Book is a must-have book for everyone who wants to learn the basics about mason bees. It describes the life history of this important Spring pollinator and tells the reader how to propagate the Orchard Mason Bee. This book was written by the founder of Knox Cellars, Brian Griffin.
- Paperback, 127 pages.
- This is the fourth printing of the book which was first printed in October of 2011. The first edition started an industry and each edition adds to its influence.
Pick-Up, Local Delivery, or Shipping Options
Free pick-up in Bellingham just north of downtown.
$10 delivery within 12-mile radius of Downtown Bellingham.
Shipping varies by weight.
Mason Bee Maintenance
Want to have a thriving native bee population but don't want to deal with the maintenance hassle? If you are located in Whatcom or Skagit Counties, Bellingham Foodscapes will set up your mason bee house in the ideal location initially, harvest your cocoons in the fall, clean and store your cocoons in a humidity and temperature-controlled environment overwinter, and place your spring mason bees out at the ideal time in the spring and/or summer leafcutter bees in the summer! Contact Bellingham Foodscapes for pricing in your location.